Fred X Fitness

Shaping Stronger Parents

Love Your Body, Keep Up With Your Kids, and Be The Role Model They Deserve

Making online fitness coaching truly personal

You are unique, and so should be your fitness journey. I am here to help you achieve your goals through the most personalised training experience possible. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, to celebrate your wins, and to be on top of all the last-minute schedule changes.

My Plans

Are You Ready To Lose 10lbs In 6 Weeks?

Are You Ready To Lose 10lbs In 6 Weeks?

Are you ready to transform into a stronger, lighter, more energetic, and confident version of yourself? Our signature 6-week challenge offers a comprehensive package tailored to your needs. With personalized workouts, nutritional guidance, and the support you need to stay on track, your success is inevitable. I encourage you to reach out to me whenever you need a helping hand, and together, we'll crush your goals. Our proven program guarantees* results – it's not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when you'll reach your goals. I’m not saying it will be easy, this will be challenging, but if you’ve wanted to lose at least 10lbs for a while now, this is your chance to prove it. Most dedicated participants achieve incredible results within the 6-week timeframe, and now it's your turn! Don't let another day go by without taking action. Embrace the challenge, embrace the change, and let's make your fitness dreams a reality! Not sure if this program is right for you? Schedule a consultation call with our team to discuss your needs and goals, and we'll help you find the perfect program to get you on track toward your fitness goals! *Guarantee has conditions that must be met in order to apply and will be discussed in our intro call. Full terms & conditions also available under the Resources tab. **This program is $100 off for the first 10 clients only, don't delay! ***This program is also offered with a body fat % target ****This program is a 1 time offer and cannot be purchased a second time

Guaranteed* Results

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minute Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources Library & More!

for 6 Weeks
The Ultimate 30lbs Weight Loss Guaranteed* Challenge!

The Ultimate 30lbs Weight Loss Guaranteed* Challenge!

Imagine a journey where every step brings you closer to the best version of yourself—a journey tailored specifically for busy parents like you who are ready to reclaim their health and confidence. As a parent myself, I understand the daily hustle and bustle of family life. That's why I've created this transformative program—to help you prioritize your well-being without sacrificing precious time with your loved ones. This isn't just another weight loss plan—it's a personalized experience designed to empower you, challenge you, and ultimately transform you from the inside out. What sets us apart? It's the perfect blend of flexibility and customization. We know that one size doesn't fit all, which is why we provide personalized workouts, nutritional guidance, and ongoing support to meet your unique needs and goals. From tailored workouts that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule to expert advice that empowers you to make healthier choices, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Are you ready to embark on this life-changing journey? Let's make your fitness dreams a reality together! Not sure if this program is right for you? Schedule a consultation call with our team to discuss your needs and goals, and we'll help you find the perfect program to get you on track toward your fitness goals! *Guarantee has conditions that must be met in order to apply and will be discussed in our intro call. Full terms & conditions also available under the Resources tab. **This program is $800 off for the first 10 clients only, don't delay! ***This program is also offered with a body fat % target ****This program is a 1 time offer and cannot be purchased a second time

Guaranteed* Results

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minutes Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources Library & More!

for 6 Months
First Steps to Fit - Where Small Steps Will Take You The Distance

First Steps to Fit - Where Small Steps Will Take You The Distance

Welcome to First Steps to Fit, your personalized journey to a healthier lifestyle. This program is designed with beginners in mind, focusing on gradual progress and sustainable changes that will set you on the path to long-term health and wellness. We understand that starting your fitness journey can be intimidating, which is why we prioritize a gentle and supportive approach. This program focuses on helping you develop confidence in working out, establish better nutritional habits, and make sustainable lifestyle changes. Through a combination of personalized workouts, nutritional guidance, and ongoing support and accountability, we'll help you build the foundation for a healthier, happier life. Whether you're looking to lose weight, increase your energy levels, or simply feel better in your own skin, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Say goodbye to crash diets and unsustainable workout routines. You'll learn how to make small, manageable changes that add up to big results over time. It's time to take that first step towards a healthier, happier you – no more waiting, your journey starts today! Not sure if this program is right for you? Schedule a consultation call with our team to discuss your needs and goals, and we'll help you find the perfect program to get you on track toward your fitness goals!

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Gentle Approach

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minute Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources & More!

for 8 Weeks
First Steps to Fit Plus - Bridging to the Next Level

First Steps to Fit Plus - Bridging to the Next Level

Begin with our signature First Steps to Fit program, where you'll ease into a healthier lifestyle with personalized workouts, nutritional guidance, and ongoing support. Take small steps towards big changes as you develop healthier habits and build confidence in your fitness journey. Once you've mastered the basics, our Plus program kicks into gear! With an additional month of training, you'll experience a higher intensity workout regimen that will challenge you to push beyond your limits. Get a taste of what's to come in our full-fledged programs as you ramp up the intensity and accelerate your progress. Whether you're looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply feel better in your own skin, First Steps to Fit Plus is your ticket to success. With expert guidance and personalized support, you'll transform not only your body but also your mindset, paving the way for long-term success and sustainable results. Don't wait any longer to embark on your fitness journey! Join our First Steps to Fit Plus program and discover the power of gradual progress and sustainable change. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you! Not sure if this program is right for you? Schedule a consultation call with our team to discuss your needs and goals, and we'll help you find the perfect program to get you on track toward your fitness goals!

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Gentle Approach

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minutes Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources Library & More!

for 12 Weeks
Fit & Toned Busy Moms - Guarantee* Program

Fit & Toned Busy Moms - Guarantee* Program

Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Say goodbye to cookie-cutter programs and hello to a personalized approach designed just for you! As a father myself, I understand firsthand the hectic and demanding nature of family life. That's why I created Fit & Toned Busy Moms – a guarantee* program designed specifically to help busy moms like you prioritize your health and well-being without sacrificing precious time with your loved ones. This program goes beyond the ordinary fitness plan; it's a tailored experience crafted to ensure you achieve your body recomposition goals, become stronger, and feel more confident in your skin. Whether you're aiming to shed a few pounds, tone up, or enhance your overall fitness level, rest assured, we've got you covered. With our Fit & Toned Busy Moms program, you have the option to choose from a variety of guaranteed* outcomes: Lose 10lbs: We guarantee* that you'll achieve a weight loss of 10lbs. Drop 1 Shirt Size: We guarantee* that you'll decrease your shirt size by one size. Drop 5% Body Fat: If you have a way of measuring body fat percentage, we guarantee* that you'll reduce your body fat by 5%. Personalized Goal: Work directly with your trainer to set a personalized goal tailored to your specific needs and desires. Your trainer will assess the feasibility of your goal and have the final say on whether the guarantee is appropriate for you. What sets us apart? Flexibility and customization. We understand that every body is unique, which is why we provide personalized workouts, nutritional guidance, and ongoing support to guarantee* your success. From strength training to cardio and everything in between, our workouts are designed to challenge and empower you every step of the way. Ready to embark on your transformation? Join us and discover what it means to be a Fit & Toned Busy Mom. Let's make your fitness dreams a reality! Not sure if this program is right for you? No problem! While Fit & Toned Busy Moms is suitable for all fitness levels, it may not be beginner-friendly. If you're new to fitness or unsure where to start, we recommend scheduling a consultation call with our team. We'll work together to determine the best program for your needs and goals, ensuring you get the most out of your fitness journey. *Guarantee has conditions that must be met in order to apply and will be discussed in our intro call. Full terms & conditions also available under the Resources tab. **Book a consult BEFORE getting started. ***This program is a 1 time offer and cannot be purchased a second time

Guaranteed* Results!

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minutes Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources Library & More!

for 12 Weeks
Busy Dads Body Recomp - Guarantee* Program

Busy Dads Body Recomp - Guarantee* Program

Are you a busy dad ready to take control of your fitness journey and transform your physique with guaranteed results? Recomp, short for body recomposition, is a fitness approach focused on simultaneously building muscle and losing fat, resulting in a leaner, more defined physique. Life as a father can be demanding, leaving little time for self-care and fitness. But prioritizing your health is crucial, not just for you, but for your family too. Our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, providing effective workouts, personalized nutrition guidance, and unwavering support every step of the way. With our Busy Dad’s Body Recomp program, you have the option to choose from a variety of guaranteed* outcomes: Lose 10lbs: We guarantee* that you'll achieve a weight loss of 10lbs. Drop 1 Shirt Size: We guarantee* that you'll decrease your shirt size by one size. Drop 5% Body Fat: If you have a way of measuring body fat percentage, we guarantee* that you'll reduce your body fat by 5%. Personalized Goal: Work directly with your trainer to set a personalized goal tailored to your specific needs and desires. Your trainer will assess the feasibility of your goal and have the final say on whether the guarantee is appropriate for you. As a father myself, I understand the unique challenges you face and the importance of balancing family commitments with personal well-being. That's why this program is designed to be flexible, efficient, and results-driven, allowing you to make meaningful progress without sacrificing precious time with your loved ones. Not sure if this program is right for you? No problem! While Busy Dad's Body Recomp is suitable for all fitness levels, it may not be beginner-friendly. If you're new to fitness or unsure where to start, we recommend scheduling a consultation call with our team. We'll work together to determine the best program for your needs and goals, ensuring you get the most out of your fitness journey. Join us and experience the transformative power of Busy Dad's Body Recomp. Let's make your fitness goals a reality! *Guarantee has conditions that must be met in order to apply and will be discussed in our intro call. Full terms & conditions also available under the Resources tab. **Book a consult BEFORE getting started. ***This program is a 1 time offer and cannot be purchased a second time

Personalized Workouts Geared to YOU

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Weekly 15 Minutes Check-Ins & Success Planning

Access to Our Resources Library & More!

for 12 Weeks
Maintenance & Beyond!

Maintenance & Beyond!

You've already taken significant strides on your fitness journey, making notable progress and gaining valuable insights along the way. However, you still have further to go to reach your ultimate goals. This is your secret weapon for staying motivated, accountable, and on track with your goals. With bi-weekly check-in calls and unlimited access to your personal coach via text and email, you'll have the support you need to overcome obstacles, celebrate victories, and keep making progress week after week. Experience the next level of your fitness journey, designed to sustain your progress and propel you towards your goals. Stay empowered and accountable as you continue on your path to success! *Save 10% by signing up for a Yearly subscription

Workout Guidance & Exercise Help

Nutritional Guidance & Tracking

Daily Accountability/Support Via Text or Email

Bi-Weekly 15 Minutes Check-Ins & Success Planning

Ask Me As Many Questions As Needed

Access to Our Resources Library & More!


Frederick Maltais

Certified Personal Trainer, Diet Coach, RHEP

Hi there! I'm Fred, founder of Fred X Fitness. I'm thrilled to have you here and excited to share a bit about myself and my journey. 🌟 My Story: As a certified personal trainer, diet coach, and a parent myself, I understand the challenges of balancing family life with prioritizing health and fitness. My own journey towards a healthier lifestyle inspired me to create Fred X Fitness—designed specifically for busy parents like you who are ready to transform their bodies and lives. With a rich background in personal training and nutrition coaching, I've honed my skills through years of experience, including managing a successful HIIT studio. There, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of structured programs, with many clients achieving remarkable results—such as losing 15lbs in just 6 weeks through our challenges. Drawing from this wealth of experience, I've meticulously crafted our online programs to deliver the same exceptional outcomes, combining effective workouts with personalized nutrition guidance. I'm committed to helping you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Why I Do What I Do: My passion for fitness and helping others stems from my desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. I believe that everyone deserves to feel strong, confident, and empowered to live their best life, and I'm dedicated to helping you achieve those goals. I also believe it is incredibly important for me to act as a positive role model for my children. 💪 My Approach: I take a personalized and holistic approach to fitness, focusing not only on physical transformation but also on overall well-being. With tailored workouts, nutrition guidance, and ongoing support, I'm here to guide you every step of the way towards reaching your goals. 🎉 Let's Connect: When I'm not coaching clients or creating workout plans, you can find me at the park with the kids, swimming, working out, or sharing music I enjoy with my kids. There's something special about introducing them to the timeless classics that shaped my own love for music. Whether we're dancing around the living room to dance hits or singing along to punk rock anthems in the car, these moments remind me of the joy and connection that music brings to our lives. I love connecting with fellow parents and fitness enthusiasts, so don't hesitate to reach out—I'd love to hear from you!

Frederick Maltais
Frederick Maltais
Frederick Maltais

Complete personalised fitness solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me over one-to-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics like heart rate and calories burnt.

Weekly Check-ins

Check-in with weekly photos and measurements to keep track of your progress. Make amends whenever required.

Personalised Workouts

Get frequent tweaks on your workout plan based on your heart rate, feedback and of course, your schedule & preferences.

Customised Nutrition

Get meal plans based on your dietary preferences. I will constantly update your plan to ensure you get to eat what you like while keeping it healthy.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.